Institutes and Initiatives
Various initiatives and institutes are dedicated to leading the development and enhancement of AI, showcasing the Cornell’s commitment to staying at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.
Cornell is one of six universities partnering with the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture to form an institute aiming to create more climate-smart practices that will curb U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, while boosting the economy in the agriculture and forestry industries.
We imagine a future where the transformative potential of AI technologies is universally accessible—a future where AI significantly enhances the lives of all social groups, promoting fairness and inclusivity on a global scale. In this future, AI solutions are as effective for frontline health workers in Africa, teachers in under-resourced schools in South Asia, and migrant communities in the US, as they currently are for people in WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) countries which represent less than 15% of the world’s population. Our vision is a world where AI serves everyone equitably, bridging gaps rather than widening them.
Artificial Intelligence and Precision Nutrition Training Program (AIPrN)
The Artificial Intelligence and Precision Nutrition Training Program (AIPrN) brings together Cornell faculty members in nutrition, medicine, biomedical sciences, computer and information science and engineering. Faculty members from the United States Military Academy at West Point and the University of California, San Diego will provide additional support.
Artificial Intelligence, Policy, and Practice Initiative (AIPP)
AIPP is an initiative housed within the Bowers College of Computing and Information Science at Cornell University and led by professors Solon Barocas, Jon Kleinberg, Karen Levy, and Helen Nissenbaum. The aim is to approach AI as a fundamentally socio-technical phenomenon and to more fully understand and more wisely develop the future path and impact of AI.
Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability (AI4S)
The Cornell AI for Sustainability Initiative (CAISI), part of the Cornell University AI for Science Institute, harnesses artificial intelligence (AI) to tackle global sustainability challenges, focusing on decarbonizing energy and agri-food systems. CAISI drives cutting-edge research, innovation, and education in AI for Sustainability (AI4S), addressing energy, food, and climate issues at scales ranging from sustainable materials discovery to the global energy-food-climate nexus.
Artificial Intelligence in Veterinary Medicine
There is tremendous growth and potential in the development, application, and clinical use of AI in human healthcare, and the emergence of AI in veterinary medicine poses exciting and new opportunities to improve the quality of life of animals and those who care for them.
Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society
Aims to unify programs and interdisciplinary research in data science with an initial emphasis on questions grounded in data that are generated by human activity.
Computational Sustainability Network (CompSustNet)
Building on the work of the NSF funded Institute for Computational Sustainability, Cornell leads CompSustNet, a network of interdisciplinary, multi-investigator research teams focusing on cross-cutting computational topics. CompSustNet sponsors workshops, hosts educational and community building events, and works to ensure that computational sustainability becomes a self-sustaining discipline.
Cornell Institute for Digital Agriculture (CIDA)
A community of scholars, teachers and practitioners work together to drive agriculture innovation and tackle social, economic, policy, and environmental challenges at scale. CIDA provides seed grants, acts as a hub of collaborations, and provides education and outreach activities and programs.
Cornell University AI For Science Institute (CUAISci)
The Cornell University AI for Science Institute (CUAISci) is part of the Radical Collaborations Initiative on AI. One of the initiative’s core AI application impact areas is scientific discovery, and sustainability is also an overarching goal.
Design + Technology Radical Collaboration Initiative
In an era when we are witnessing one of the most significant paradigm shifts in the conceptualization and creation of our environments, objects, and interfaces, the Design + Technology Radical Collaboration Initiative will advance design research and education across disciplines and domains at Cornell and beyond.
Digital and AI Literacy Initiative
Developed to prevent AI from furthering existing inequalities, this initiative provides digital literacy resources for youth and underserved communities so that people can learn how to safely and responsibly use these technologies.
Housed at Cornell Tech, the Digital Life Initiative is a collaborative group of academics (faculty, postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars), industry, non-profit, government, and media organizations who work together to explore societal perspectives on the development and application of digital technology, focusing on ethics, policy, politics, and quality of life.
Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Cornell is one of nine universities worldwide selected to join the Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, a program of Schmidt Futures, to accelerate the next scientific revolution by applying artificial intelligence to research in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Cornell will recruit and train a cohort of up to 100 postdoctoral fellows over six years in the fields of natural sciences and engineering.
Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society (TRAILS)
Funded by a $20 million award from the NSF and led by the University of Maryland (UMD), the Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law and Society (TRAILS) unites specialists in AI and machine learning with social scientists, legal scholars, educators and public policy experts.
Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health
The mission of the Institute of Artificial Intelligence for Digital Health is to advance individualized health and healthcare with data-driven insights derived from applying artificial intelligence technologies. The institute will establish a community of experts across multiple disciplines in computational science and clinical medicine, facilitate collaborations, promote multi-disciplinary research, and engage in entrepreneurship and technology commercialization.
Scientific Artificial Intelligence Center (SciAI Center)
Funded by the Office of Naval Research and led by Cornell University, with multiple partners, the SciAI Center focuses on human-AI collaboration, using mathematics as a common language between humans and machines to pioneer new AI approaches for scientific discovery.