AI Course List

Choose from diverse AI courses that shape future technology. Dive into machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more, guided by expert faculty.

New Minor

The new AI minor teaches underlying mechanisms of AI, including basic understanding of machine learning, automated reasoning, and ethical implications arising with human interactions.

Available AI Courses at Cornell University as of Spring 2025

TIP: Swipe left-right on the table to view all columns.

Course LevelAI Focus AreaCourse Name
UndergraduateScientific DiscoveryCS 2770 / INFO 2770 / AEM 2770 - Excursions in Computational Sustainability
UndergraduateEthics, Law, and PolicyANTHR 3061 / COMM 3560 / INFO 3561 / STS 3561 / VISST 3560 - [Computing Cultures]
Master Society and InstitutionsBANA 5210 - Natural Language Processing in Finance
Master Society and InstitutionsBANA 5250 - Machine Learning for Investment
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsBANA 6920 - Machine Learning Applications in Business
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsBEE 3900 - Bio-Robotics
UndergraduateHealth and MedicineBEE 4630 - Digital Food Physics and Engineering
Master Autonomous SystemsBEE 5900 - Bio-Robotics
Ph.D.Health and MedicineBEE 6630 - Digital Food Physics and Engineering
Ph.D.Scientific DiscoveryBEE 6880 / CEE 6880 - Applied Modeling and Simulation for Renewable Energy Systems
UndergraduateHealth and MedicineBIOCB 4381 - Biomedical Data Mining and Modeling
UndergraduateHealth and MedicineBIOCB 4840 / CS 4775- Computational Genetics and Genomics
Ph.D.Health and MedicineBIOCB 6381 - Biomedical Data Mining and Modeling
Ph.D.Health and MedicineBIOCB 6840 - Computational Genetics and Genomics
Ph.D.Health and MedicineBIOCB 7200 - Statistical and Computational Genetics
UndergraduateCognitionBIONB 3300 / BME 3300 / COGST 3300 /PSYCH 3300 [Introduction to Computational Neuroscience]
Master Health and MedicineBME 5780 / ECE 6690 - Computer Analysis of Biomed Images
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCEE 4665 - Modeling and Optimization for Smart Infrastructure Systems
Master Autonomous SystemsCEE 5665 - Modeling and Optimization for Smart Infrastructure Systems
Ph.D.ReasoningCHEME 6800 / SYSEN 6800 - [Computational Optimization]
Ph.D.Scientific DiscoveryCHEME 6880 / SYSEN 6880 - Industrial Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Ph.D.Scientific DiscoveryCHEME 6888 / SYSEN 6888 - Deep Learning
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingCOGST 4240 / CS 4744 / LING 4424 - Computational Linguistics I
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingCOGST 4740 / CS 4740 / LING 4474 - Natural Language Processing
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCOGST 7710 / LING 7710 - Computational Seminar
UndergraduateEthics, Law, and PolicyCOML 1106 - FWS: Robots
UndergraduateHuman-AI InteractionCOMM 2450 / INFO 2450 - Communication and Technology
UndergraduateHuman-AI InteractionCOMM 3450 / INFO 3450 - Human-Computer Interaction Design
UndergraduateHuman-AI InteractionCOMM 4450 / INFO 4450- Computer-Mediated Communication
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingCOMM 4500 / INFO 4500 - Language and Technology
Ph.D.Human-AI InteractionCOMM 6450 / INFO 6450 - Computer-Mediated Communication
UndergraduateSociety and InstitutionsCRP 4680 / DESIGN 4680 - Introduction to Urban Data Science: Data, Interpretation, and Presentation
Master Society and InstitutionsCRP 5680 / DESIGN 5680 - Introduction to Urban Data Science: Data, Interpretation, and Presentation
UndergraduateEthics, Law, and PolicyCS 1340 / INFO 1260 - Choices and Consequences in Computing
UndergraduateReasoningCS 1700 - Elements of Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingCS 1700 - Elements of Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateMachine LearningCS 1700 - Elements of Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateComputer VisionCS 1700 - Elements of Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCS 1700 - Elements of Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateComputer VisionCS 4670 - Introduction to Computer Vision
UndergraduateReasoningCS 4700 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateReasoningCS 4701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingCS 4701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateMachine LearningCS 4701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateComputer VisionCS 4701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCS 4701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingCS 4745 / LING 4434 - Computational Linguistics II
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCS 4750 / ECE 4770 / MAE 4760 - Foundations of Robotics
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCS 4754 / INFO 4410 - Re-Designing Robots
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCS 4756 - Robot Learning
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsCS 4758 / ECE 4180 / MAE 4180 - [Autonomous Mobile Robots]
UndergraduateMachine LearningCS 4780 - Introduction to Machine Learning
UndergraduateMachine LearningCS 4783 - Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
UndergraduateMachine LearningCS 4787 - Principles of Large-Scale Machine Learning Systems
Master Computer VisionCS 5670 - Introduction to Computer Vision
Master Human-AI InteractionCS 5682 / INFO 6410 - HCI and Design
Master ReasoningCS 5700 - Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Master ReasoningCS 5701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
Master Natural Language ProcessingCS 5701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
Master Machine LearningCS 5701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
Master Computer VisionCS 5701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
Master Autonomous SystemsCS 5701 - Practicum in Artificial Intelligence
Master ReasoningCS 5727 / ORIE 5380 - Optimization Methods
Master Natural Language ProcessingCS 5740 - Natural Language Processing
Master Autonomous SystemsCS 5750 - Foundations of Robotics
Master Human-AI InteractionCS 5755 / INFO 5755 - [Mobile Human Robot Interaction Design]
Master Autonomous SystemsCS 5756 - Robot Learning
Master Autonomous SystemsCS 5758 / ECE 5772 / MAE 5180 - [Autonomous Mobile Robots]
Master Machine LearningCS 5775 / ECE 5545 - Machine Learning Hardware and Systems
Master Machine LearningCS 5777 - Principles of Large-Scale Machine Learning Systems
Master Machine LearningCS 5780 - Introduction to Machine Learning
Master Machine LearningCS 5781 - Machine Learning Engineering
Master Machine LearningCS 5783 - Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning
Master Machine LearningCS 5785 / ECE 5414 / ORIE 5750 - Applied Machine Learning
Master Machine LearningCS 5787 - Deep Learning
Master Machine LearningCS 5789 - Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Ph.D.Computer VisionCS 6670 - Computer Vision
Ph.D.ReasoningCS 6700 - Advanced Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D.Scientific DiscoveryCS 6703 - AI for Science
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCS 6740 - Advanced Language Technologies
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCS 6741 - Topics in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCS 6742 / INFO 6742 - Natural Language Processing and Social Interaction
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsCS 6751 / MAE 6730 - Robot Manipulation
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsCS 6752 / MAE 6770 - [Formal Methods for Robotics]
Ph.D.Human-AI InteractionCS 6754 / MAE 6710 - Human-Robot Interaction: Algorithms and Experiments
Ph.D.Human-AI InteractionCS 6755 / INFO 6755 - [Mobile Human Robot Interaction Design]
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsCS 6756 - Learning for Robot Decision Making
Ph.D.ReasoningCS 6764 - [Reasoning about Knowledge]
Ph.D.ReasoningCS 6766 - [Reasoning about Uncertainty]
Ph.D.ReasoningCS 6768 - [Bridging Reasoning and Learning]
Ph.D.Machine LearningCS 6780 - Advanced Machine Learning
Ph.D.Machine LearningCS 6783 - [Machine Learning Theory]
Ph.D.Machine LearningCS 6784 - Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
Ph.D.Machine LearningCS 6787 - Advanced Machine Learning Systems
Ph.D.Computer VisionCS 7690 - Computer Graphics and Vision Seminar
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCS 7740 - [Special Topics in Natural Language Processing]
Ph.D.ReasoningCS 7790 - Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCS 7790 - Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D.Machine LearningCS 7790 - Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D.Computer VisionCS 7790 - Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsCS 7790 - Seminar in Artificial Intelligence
Ph.D.Machine LearningCS 7792 - Special Topics in Machine Learning
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingCS 7794 - Seminar in Natural Language Understanding
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsCS 7796 - Robotics Seminar
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsDEA 6210 - Architectural Robotics
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsECE 4160 / MAE 4190- Fast Robots
UndergraduateMachine LearningECE 4200 - Fundamentals of Machine Learning
UndergraduateComputer VisionECE 4230 - Computer Vision
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsECE 4240 / MAE 4810 - Robot Perception
Master Autonomous SystemsECE 5160 / MAE 5190 - Fast Robots
Master Autonomous SystemsECE 5240 / MAE 5810- Robot Perception
Master Machine LearningECE 5420 - Fundamentals of Machine Learning
Master Computer VisionECE 5470 - Computer Vision
Ph.D.Machine LearningECE 6350 - [Interpretable and Explainable Machine Learning]
Ph.D.Machine LearningECE 6630 - Information Theory for Data Transmission, Security and Machine Learning
Ph.D.Machine LearningECE 6645 - Statistical Signal Processing and Reinforcement Learning
Ph.D.Machine LearningECE 7785 - Machine Learning Hardware and Systems
Ph.D.Machine LearningECON 7240 - Causal Inference and Machine Learning
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsHADM 6750 - Machine Learning for Business and Hospitality Applications
UndergraduateEthics, Law, and PolicyINFO 1200 / STS 1201 - Information Ethics, Law, and Policy
UndergraduateCognitionINFO 3140 / COGST 3140 / PSYCH 3140 - Computational Psychology
UndergraduateNatural Language ProcessingINFO 4350 - Conversations and Information
UndergraduateEthics, Law, and PolicyINFO 4390 - Practical Principles for Designing Fair Algorithms
Master Society and InstitutionsINFO 5001 - Computing for Information Science
Master Society and InstitutionsINFO 5330 - Technology, Media, and Democracy
Master Human-AI InteractionINFO 5355 - Human Computer Interaction Design
Master Human-AI InteractionINFO 5356 - Introduction to Human-Robot Interaction
Master Ethics, Law, and PolicyINFO 5365 - Responsible AI
Master Machine LearningINFO 5368 - Practical Applications in Machine Learning (PAML)
Master Health and MedicineINFO 5375 - Machine Learning for Health
Master Human-AI InteractionINFO 5450 - Computer-Mediated Communication
Master Health and MedicineINFO 5600 - AI for Healthcare
Master Health and MedicineINFO 5610 - Sensors, Systems and Algorithms for Precision Behavioral Health
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsINFO 6010 - Computational Methods for Information Science Research
Ph.D.Human-AI InteractionINFO 6120 - Ubiquitous Computing
Ph.D.Health and MedicineINFO 6130 - Health and Computation
Ph.D.CognitionINFO 6140 / COGST 6140 / PSYCH 6140 - Computational Psychology
Ph.D.Natural Language ProcessingINFO 6350 - Text Mining History and Literature
Ph.D.Human-AI InteractionINFO 6410 / CS 5682- HCI and Design
Ph.D.Autonomous SystemsINFO 6420 - Re-Designing Robots
Ph.D.Ethics, Law, and PolicyINFO 7060 / LAW 7179 [Digital Life Research Seminar]
UndergraduateAutonomous SystemsMAE 4710 - Applied Dynamics: Robotics, Vehicles, Machines and Biomechanics
Ph.D.Human-AI InteractionCS 6754 / MAE 6710 - Human-Robot Interaction: Algorithms and Experiments
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsNBA 6920 - Machine Learning Applications in Business
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsNBA 6921 - Artificial Intelligence for Marketing Strategy
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsNBAE 6145 - AI Strategy and Applications
Master Society and InstitutionsNBAY 5610 - Demystifying Big Data and FinTech
Ph.D.Society and InstitutionsNBAY 6920 - Machine Learning Applications in Business
UndergraduateReasoningORIE 3300 - Optimization I
UndergraduateReasoningORIE 3310 - Optimization II
UndergraduateReasoningORIE 4340 - Applications of Optimization: Modeling and Computation
UndergraduateSociety and InstitutionsORIE 4390 - Optimization Models for Logistics, Networks, and Markets
UndergraduateMachine LearningORIE 4741 - Learning with Big Messy Data
UndergraduateSociety and InstitutionsORIE 4742 - [Info Theory, Probabilistic Modeling, and Deep Learning with Scientific and Financial Apps]
Master Machine LearningORIE 5270 - Big Data Technologies
Master ReasoningORIE 5300 - Optimization I
Master ReasoningORIE 5310 - Optimization II
Master ReasoningORIE 5340 - Applications of Optimization: Modeling and Computation
Master Society and InstitutionsORIE 5370 - Optimization Modeling in Finance
Master Society and InstitutionsORIE 5390 - Optimization Models for Logistics, Networks, and Markets
Master Machine LearningORIE 5741 - Learning with Big Messy Data
Ph.D.ReasoningORIE 6360 - [Optimization Under Uncertainty: Robust and Online Models]
Ph.D.Machine LearningORIE 6750 - Optimal Learning
Ph.D.ReasoningORIE 6751 - Data-Driven Optimization Under Uncertainty: Theory, Methods, and Current Trends
UndergraduateMachine LearningSTSCI 4740 - Data Mining and Machine Learning
UndergraduateMachine LearningSTSCI 4750 - Understanding Machine Learning
Master Machine LearningSTSCI 5740 - Data Mining and Machine Learning
Master Machine LearningSTSCI 5750 - Understanding Machine Learning
Master Society and InstitutionsSYSEN 5880 - Industrial Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning
Master Machine LearningSYSEN 5888 - Deep Learning
Master Machine LearningTECH 5280 - Productizing Machine Learning

Now offering:

Those enrolled will learn the underlying mechanisms of AI, including basic understanding of machine learning, automated reasoning, and ethical implications arising with human interactions.

Generative AI

In 2023, the Cornell administration assembled a committee to develop guidelines and recommendations for the use of Generative AI for education at Cornell.

Learn more about their findings and pedagogy.